ARTES is research partner of ChemBioTec project supported by Deutsche Stiftung Umwelt

ARTES Biotechnology today announces the collaboration with 5 other collaboration partners in a joint 28 months research program that is granted by the national Deutsche Stiftung Umwelt within the ChemBioTec initiative. The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU is one of Europe’s largest foundations and promotes innovative and exemplary environmental projects

The funded project includes three academic partners and three biotech companies and is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Holger Zorn, Institute of food chemistry and food biotechnology, University Giessen.
The interdisciplinary research group has set the aim to study in a first time application the material recycling of straw and wood leftovers by using a fungus secretome.
With this project ARTES extends its activities in the area of production of bio-based fine chemicals from renewable resources.

Exclusive Cooperation between ARTES and the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

Langenfeld/Lviv, August 5th, 2009

ARTES announced today that it has signed an exclusive Marketing Agreement with the Institute of Cell Biology of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Matter of the agreement is that the NAS technology based on the yeast organism Hansenula polymorpha is now exclusively marketed and licensed by ARTES Biotechnology worldwide except for Ukraine.

The technology licensed to ARTES covers new expression tools as well as production cell lines for various products, a.o. HepB antigen and Arginase. With this agreement ARTES expands its Hansenula technology platform and gains access to new processes and products.

“With the input from NAS”, said Michael Piontek the managing director from ARTES, “we are now once again able to broaden up our expertise in the Hansenula research field. This newest collaboration enables us even more to expand our previous offer and especially with the view of East-European markets we had won an important academic research partner.”

ARTES enters into a partnership with Henkel in a 3-year research program

ARTES Biotechnology GmbH today announces the collaboration with Henkel in a joint three years research program that is granted by the German national BMBF (German Ministery of Education and Research) within the CLIB2021 cluster (Wettbewerb Industrielle Biotechnologie 2021). The cooperation aims at the development and manufacturing of peptides with adhesive properties.

ARTES will apply its proprietary technology platforms – the yeast expression technologies Hansenula and Arxula and the Chaperone technology for improved secretion. The generation of production cell lines, analytical assay development, and lab-scale fermentation/down stream process development are ARTES´ responsibilities in this cooperation. Innovative strategies for the production of difficult-to-express adhesive peptides shall be developed, resulting in next generation tools for ARTES´ contract R&D.

New Scientific Board Member

Prof. Dr. em. Hermann Sahm

As the former director of the Institute of Biotechnology at the Research Center of Jülich, Prof. Dr. em. Hermann Sahm`s main fields of interest in the last three decades were physiology, enzymology and molecular biology of biotechnical amino acid, vitamin and ethanol production by means of a variaty of different microorganisms. He is an expert in the field of improvement and optimization of production strains by metabolic engineering. We are really proud to welcome Prof. Dr. em. Sahm as our new board member and we would be pleased that he will support ARTES Biotechnology as consultant and network partner. We are looking forward to a successful relationsship.

New Scientific Board Member

Prof. Dr. Holger Zorn,
University of technology, Dortmund, leader of the work group technological biochemistry.

Prof. Dr. Zorn is an expert in the field of industrial bioengineering and white biotechnology and here in detail for extraction of enzymes from basidiomycete fungi. We are really proud to welcome Prof. Zorn as our new board member and we would be pleased that he will support ARTES Biotechnology as consultant and network partner. We are looking forward to a successful relationship.