ARTES is research partner of ChemBioTec project supported by Deutsche Stiftung Umwelt
ARTES Biotechnology today announces the collaboration with 5 other collaboration partners in a joint 28 months research program that is granted by the national Deutsche Stiftung Umwelt within the ChemBioTec initiative. The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU is one of Europe’s largest foundations and promotes innovative and exemplary environmental projects
The funded project includes three academic partners and three biotech companies and is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Holger Zorn, Institute of food chemistry and food biotechnology, University Giessen.
The interdisciplinary research group has set the aim to study in a first time application the material recycling of straw and wood leftovers by using a fungus secretome.
With this project ARTES extends its activities in the area of production of bio-based fine chemicals from renewable resources.